Thursday, September 5, 2013

Love in 1 Corinthians 13

You know that a banging cymbal is Loud and annoying! And Paul says that isn't love. He said that it doesn’t matter how wise you are… if you don’t have love, then you don’t have anything.
1.Patient & Kind [verses 3 & 4] Paul said even if he gave everything he has to feed the poor, there would not be a profit (an advantage or reward) without love.
Paul is saying to share and give with the right heart and with love. He wants you to give freely and not resent what you are giving.
2. Jealous Love does not envy, does not parade itself and is not puffed up. Love isn’t jealous of what others have, and if you have things that others want, you shouldn’t make your friends jealous because you have it.
3. Boast Love is not proud or big headed. That also means boasting or bragging. Accept what you have, what God has given you. Be happy, not "I want this and that".
4. Not Rude or Mean [verse 5] Love does not behave rudely. Love is not impolite or mean. Love doesn’t do things that we’ll regret or be ashamed of later. Discuss being mean.

5. Care About Others Love does not seek its own. Love doesn’t look out for their own interests or just themselves. That also includes grabbing things from people. Or interrupting when someone is talking. Love cares about other people’s needs.


 6. Controls Temper  Love is not provoked. That means that Love doesn’t become angry easily. Love is forgiving. Take time to let your temper cool down. Don’t hold grudges.
Love thinks no evil. Discuss anger and what angers the students and what they can do to control it.

7. Good Thoughts (verse 6) Does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth. Iniquity is sin, or doing sinful things that God doesn't like. And, just the opposite is to be happy to do what is right.

8. Same As Scripture [verses 7-8]
Love bears all things. (Love accepts and protects.)
Love believes all things. (Love trusts)
Love hopes all things. (Love always has hope.)
Love never fails. (Love puts up with things and never gives up.) If you love someone or something, you never stop trying. Love is patient, willing to listen and take the time to pay attention.

9. Three Look at today's Bible verse 13. There’s faith, hope and love;
Faith is believing in Jesus and knowing that He will do what’s best for us.
Hope is knowing that we will be with Jesus in Heaven.
And  God is love! Love never ends.
We have faith in what Jesus taught us, and we know that if we do everything He commands, we will go to Heaven with Him.
10. Greatest is Love BUT the greatest of these is love. Why? Finally, the Bible tells us that love keeps no record of wrongs. You have a piece of paper in front of you. Pretend that this is a list you’ve been making of things that bother you about other people. Let’s tear it up. Rip it to little pieces! Now there’s nothing standing in the way of you loving others.
Love thinks good things, and if you are thinking good things, you will do good things. Slow down and see if there’s something you can do to help someone …  You show your love by how you act and treat others. 

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